How To Drawing a Chain Really Easy Step By Step Guide

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In everyday life, a chain can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used to secure items, haul heavy freight, or even make creepy Halloween decorations!

When it comes to drawing, the less solid an item is, the more difficult it is to represent it, and because chains are made up of numerous links, learning how to draw them can be challenging.

If you want to learn how to drawing a chain 7 easy steps, you've come to the correct place!

This step-by-step guide will show you how simple it is to drawing a chain once you know what to do.

How to Drawing a Chain  7 Easy Steps – Let’s get Started

Step 1: Drawing The First Chain

Because chains are made up of multiple connecting links, we'll go through each one individually in this guide on how to draw chains.

A chain picture may appear to be simple at first glance, but joining them can be more difficult than you believe.

You can make this initial link by drawing an ellipse and then another one inside of it. Simply ensure that there is a gap in the lower right corner.

You may sketch the basic oval shapes with a light pencil and then go over them with your pen or darker pencil to make it simpler on yourself. You're ready to move on to the following stage once you have that connection.

Step 2: Drawing a chain second link

Your chain drawing will start to get a little tough from this point on, but don't worry, we'll take it easy!

After again, you may want to plan with a pencil first, then go over it with your pen once you're satisfied.

The following link will loop up and over to the right from the first link's inner centre. It will then loop upwards again, heading for the left-hand side of the initial link.

It may appear difficult, but looking at the reference photograph can greatly assist you. The space you'll leave this time will be on the lower left-hand side, and that'll be where you'll draw the following connection.

Step 3: Add the third link of the chain

You're starting to get the hang of drawing the links, so we'll move on to the third phase of our chain-drawing tutorial.

You may do the same thing with the third link as you did with the second one in this step. As you may expect, you'll be leaving a space on the right-hand side this time, as it will alternate each time.

Step 4: Now you can draw the fourth link of the chain
You're well aware of the procedure at this point. In this stage, you'll add the next link to your chain drawing. This link will use the same formula as the one you started in this article.

The gap will alternate and be on the left-hand side for this particular link, as we specified in the previous step.

Step 5: Add the fifth link of your drawing chain

Your chain is really in shape now, and your efforts will be rewarded soon! You wouldn't be surprised to add another link to the chain in this fifth step. 
 I'm sure you're a professional at the moment and don't need to explain how to do this. Draw the 5th link, leaving a gap to the right of this penultimate link.

Step 6: Add the final link of your drawing a chain

You've drawn a lot of links in your chain design, and now it's time to draw the final link! Since this is the last link in the chain, the only difference to this link is that there will be no space at the bottom of it. 
 Once you've finished drawing the last link in the chain, you're done with the drawing part of this image! 
 Before doing the final step, though, make sure to add any extra elements you want to your image! 
 Maybe you can point out what's at the end of the string, or even draw a spooky ghost holding it! There are so many possibilities, so make sure to let your creativity run wild!

Step 7: Finish off your drawing a chains with some color

In this final step of this chain drawing guide, you can relax with fun paint while bringing your drawings to life. 
 I used a metallic gray color scheme for the sample image. This is one approach, but feel free to be creative and use your favorite colors. Even if you keep the 
 chain in a metallic gray shade, you can add some nice bright colors to your mix by adding nice and bright colors to the background and additional details. 
 I look forward to seeing how you can bring this photo to life with your colors!

Your drawing a chain is now completely done! 

Follow all the links in this guide to reach the end and learn how to draw a chain. 
 Take pride in mastering this picture as it takes a little practice to understand it correctly! Now that you can draw a 
 Chain, it's up to you to show us how creative you can be with this! You can change the position of the chain a little or show the use of the chain as an idea. 
 Then you can use your favorite colors and art media to bring it to life. 
 If you enjoyed these step-by-step instructions, you can enjoy even more on our website. 
 There are many more things to keep uploading. Check it regularly and don't miss it. 
 When you're done drawing a great chain, share it on Facebook and Pinterest pages. 
 I look forward to seeing the fun and creative ways you have finished painting!

Final Words:

In this article we learned about how to drawing a chain in 7 easy steps. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Visit our site regularly to get more fun tutorials like this. 

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